AC = After Coupon
ACTUALS = The actual item as opposed to a coupon for it (an item from your stockpile)
AR = After Rebate
BLINKIES - instore smartsource coupon dispensed near product, usually from red blinking box
BOGO or B1G1F = Buy one get one free
BOGO/50% or BOGO1/2 = Buy one get one a percentage or half off. BOLO = Be On the Lookout
BTFE = Box Tops for Education
CAT or Catalina = coupon or money off dispensed at register after purchase. can be used on a following transaction
CO = cents off coupon
DND = Do Not Double (the coupon is not supposed to be doubled)
DOUBLE COUPON = coupon that a grocery store doubles in value
ESR = EasySaver Rebate (Walgreens Monthy Rebate)
FAR = Free After Rebate
FREE ITEM COUPON = A coupon that allows you to get the product completely free
TGG = The Grocery Game
HBA = The health and beauty aid section in the grocery store
HCW = Hot Coupon World
HT or HGT = Hang tags for refunds or coupons hanging on a product
IVC = Walgreen's Instant Value Coupon ( Found in the monthy EasySaver Catalog )
IP = Internet Printable
LFE = Campbell's Labels for Education
MIR = Mail In Rebate
MM = Money maker (Using the combination of coupons/sales and you'll get money back.) NED = No expiration date
NBPN = No Beer Purchase Necessary
NLA = No Longer Available
NWPN = No wine purchase necessary
OAS = a coupon that is good on one purchase, any size
OOP = Out of Pocket
OOS = Out of Stock
OSI = On a single item
OYNO = On your next order
P&G = Proctor & Gamble Sunday supplement coupons
PEELIE = coupon that you peel off the package
POP = Proof of purchase
PP = purchase price
PPHF = Paypal handling fee
PSA = Prices Starting At or Public Service Announcement
Q or QUALIFIER = The POP required for a refund offer that is physically taken from that package
RC = Raincheck
RP = Red Plum Sunday Supplement Coupons
RR = Register Rewards
SASE = Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
SD = Store Display
SF = Store form
SHOPPING TRIP = The time spent in the store. Different from a "Transaction." SMP = Specially Marked Packages
SS = Smart Source or Sunday Supplement coupons
STACKING = Some stores allow the use of more than one coupon per item, IF the coupon itself does not restrict such usage.
SUPER DOUBLES or DOUBLES = coupons that are doubled $1 + in value (ie, a $1 coupon = $2, etc)
TEAR PAD = A pad of refund forms or coupons found hanging from a store shelf or display
TMF = Try Me Free
TRANSACTION = The act of paying for items at the register. TRIPLE COUPON = a coupon that a grocery store triples in value
UPC = Universal Product Code
VISIT = The time spent in the store. Different from a "Transaction."
WINE TAG = coupon, usually for $ off any meat, cheese or produce
WPN = Wine purchase necessary
WSL = while supplies last
WT = winetag
WYB = When You Buy
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary= success of the attempt may vary at your store
$1/2 = The first number is the face value of the coupon, the second number is how many you must buy
9/25 SS = The coupon can be found in the Smart Source insert from the newspaper on that date. Also for Proctor & Gamble (PG or P&G), Red Plum (RP) and General Mills (GM)